Wellness Seminar Descriptions
With over 200 seminar options, we offer an extensive variety of topics. Seminars serve as an engaging way to kick-off a wellness challenge. We can also create a seminar to meet your needs and interests.
Seminars are presented by a wide variety of health professionals, including health educators, registered dieticians, exercise physiologists and ergonomic specialists. Seminars can be coordinated to accommodate your employees’ schedules. Most seminars are 60 minutes but can be adjusted to fit your timeframe. We also offer many webinar versions, please inquire if you are interested.
(If you don’t see your particular topic of interest listed, please ask us to customize a seminar for you.)
AdvantageHealth offers seminars on the following wellness topics:
A Holistic Approach to Managing Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
This seminar examines the multiple causes of chronic pain and fatigue including neurogenic pain, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Current research is provided and natural approaches to managing these conditions will be discussed.
Blood Pressure – Stop, Drop & Control
According to research studies, 50 million Americans have high blood pressure. Many people are not aware that they have the condition or how it will affect their health. Left untreated, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels and internal organs. The detection, prevention and treatment of high blood pressure will be discussed in this seminar.
Cholesterol – What You Need to Know
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in your blood and in all your body’s cells. A certain amount of cholesterol is necessary for good health, but too much cholesterol in your blood can lead to clogged arteries and potential heart disease. This seminar will cover the basics of “good” and “bad” cholesterol, what your cholesterol numbers mean and what you can do to improve your cholesterol profile.
Diabetes – Prevention & Detection
This seminar defines diabetes, symptoms, how it affects the body, and how it relates to living a healthy lifestyle. Individuals will understand the importance of managing nutrition, glucose, exercise and other related risk factors.
Going Skin Deep
The skin is our largest organ and we absorb 60-70% of what we put on it. Many of our skin care products contain toxins which are banned in other countries. These toxins can contribute to obesity, thyroid issues, and hormonal concerns. Learn about ingredients to avoid, nutrition for the skin, and replacement skin care product ideas.
Heart Disease – Prevention is the Key
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries that feed the heart. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, coronary heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S., with over half a million Americans dying of heart attacks caused by CHD each year. The fact is that many of these deaths could be prevented because CHD is related to changeable lifestyle risk factors like smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. This seminar will focus on the causes, detection, prevention and treatment of CHD.
IBS, Fibromyalgia and Migraines – Food Sensitivities and Chronic Ill Health
Do you regularly experience extreme fatigue, joint pain, headaches, and/or digestive distress? Does the medical community tell you there is nothing wrong and it must be in your head? Food sensitivities affect 20-30% of the populations and may be a cause for many inflammatory conditions including IBS, Fibromyalgia and Migraines. In this class you will learn the difference between food allergy and food sensitivities and if food sensitivities may be impacting your health.
Managing Bone and Joint Health Naturally
This seminar examines the common causes of bone density and joint problems. Conditions discussed include osteopenia/ osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other auto immune join disorders. Dr. Kriva then presents natural methods to manage these conditions, including the use of dietary supplements.
Managing Migraine Headaches Naturally
This talk focuses on new understandings of the cause of migraine headaches based upon the latest research using upright MRI imaging. The new understandings gained from this cutting edge research yield insight into managing migraine headaches naturally, without the use of medications. These methods as well as research in support of these methods are explored and discussed with the audience.
Men’s Health 101
Discover the leading causes of death, what makes men’s health different, risk factors, and what men must do to lead healthier lives.
Natural Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This seminar discusses the causes and diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Natural treatment options are presented as alternatives to medication and surgery.
Natural Solutions to Managing Arthritis
This workshop will talk about the causes and symptoms of arthritis. Non-drug and non-surgical treatment alternatives will be presented.
Secrets to Living Longer
Based on bestselling author, Dan Buettner’s book, The Blue Zones, this seminar will identify the four places in the world where people live amazingly long, healthy and productive lives. Discuss what has been learned about these ‘blue zones’ and how we too can add years to life and life to years!
Stop The Inflammation! – Healthy choices to reduce inflammation that causes aging and disease
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, infection or what it sees as a foreign invader. Though acute inflammation is short lived, chronic inflammation is a continual response of the immune system and can lead to degeneration – aging the body and creating disease conditions. In this class you will learn what lifestyle choices you can make to prevent inflammation and promote good health and a long life.
The 12 Health Myths Even Your Doctor May Not Know
This seminar takes a look at 12 common health myths even many doctors believe. Dr. Kriva looks at what current research is telling us and provides you with information you can use to make better informed decisions regarding your health. He takes on topics as varied as fluoride in the water and tooth decay, the use of sunscreen and the incidence of skin cancer and the ever popular and controversial topic of vaccinations. Be prepared to be surprised and leave better equipped to take care of your health.
Treating Acid Reflux and Hiatal Hernia Naturally
This seminar focuses on the symptoms and causes of Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernia and other common digestive disorders. Non-drug approaches to treatment including diet modifications and herbal supplements are presented.
Advocating for Your Child
Whether you’re at a doctor’s office or a school conference it can be intimidating to oppose their professional opinions and many parents wonder when is the right time to challenge and the right time to accept information that is being shared. As a parent, you know your child’s abilities and challenges more intimately than other people do, so it’s important to be comfortable stating what you know to be true about your child. This workshop outlines strategies to clearly and effectively communicate with your child’s teacher, doctor or other professional to build a strong partnership with your child’s best interests in mind.
After the Baby: Maximizing Employee Transitions to Parenthood
Indeed, having a baby is a joyous occasion for most employees, yet the changes and necessary adjustments that come with the birth of a child often strain many marriages and partnerships, sometimes to the breaking point. In fact, parent relationship conflict increases by a factor of nine and marital quality is known to drop sharply within the first year of a baby’s birth – a time when parents often revert to stereotypical gender roles and are overwhelmed due to family care, housework and career responsibilities.
Clearly, there is stress in the homes of new parents that undoubtedly travels to the workplace to show itself in lost productivity, increased absences, lower profits, and higher health costs due to physical and emotional concerns, widespread depression, and fallout from associated risky behaviors.
Managing the Gaming Appetite/Screen Time in Your Teens and Tweens
Although some gaming time can be fun, and even educational, it’s easy to go overboard. In our increasingly hi-tech age, television is just one form of screen time for kids. Add in videos, computer games, handheld game and the latest generation Apps, and you have a bewildering array of screens for our kids to stare at. Recent studies increasingly weigh in on the downside of too much screen time while some report that the generation raised with screens prefer that as their primary method of communicating. This seminar will present recommendations from the medical community regarding screen time and encourage conversation about how we can modulate our own screen usage, as well as moderate our children’s.
Pediatric Sleep
As a parent, you want your children to be as healthy and happy as possible. Sleep plays a major role in their ability to achieve those goals. Learn about the impact your child’s sleep has on their ability to learn and grow.
Raising Financially Successful Kids
Children face media and consumer pressures at a very young age. This seminar will give parents a better understanding of what they can do to teach their children about money. We also share fun exercises for you to use with your child as they develop an understanding of money and how to use it wisely. Content covers birth through the teen years. We’ll look at ways to make kids money-wise through allowances, healthy money management, savings, and credit awareness.
Raising Healthy Kids in the New Millennium
“Raising Healthy Kids in the New Millennium” is a workshop that covers a variety of health topics, including: nutrition, exercise, natural approaches to treating common childhood health problems (such as ear infections) and overall enhancement of health.
Sports: When Enough is Enough and Too Much is Too Much
The “Magic Moment:” your child’s coach takes you aside and says s/he thinks that your child should increase his/her participation in this sport. Businesses have grown up around helping young athletes garner interest from collegiate coaches, with an eye to a scholarship and even a pro career. How do you continue to encourage a healthy interest and participation in sport in today’s climate? What are realistic expectations of your young athlete? This seminar will look at statistics regarding young athletes, research about physical and emotional growth and development as it relates to youth sports. Efforts to find a balance for your young athlete and family will be discussed.
Teenagers and Sleep
Our community’s teenage population is one that suffers from fatigue the most. Learn how their shift in circadian rhythms leave them vulnerable to our society’s expectations, and what you can do to help them.
As You Age – What Do You Want Your Family to Know?
No one can read your mind – even though we wish others could. Learn what documents to gather and just how to share these important documents with those you trust. Having things in order can bring confidence and a sense of peace as we all look into our retirement years.
Be Brave Enough to Start a Conversation That Matters
It’s difficult to know when your concerns should qualify for action and possible change when it relates to another person. How do you bring up concerns over housing, finances, health care advance directives and even death? By recognizing those concerns and knowing what steps may follow, you can prevent crisis and maximize communication with everyone. Start those difficult conversations sooner rather than wishing you had started it months ago.
Being A Working Caregiver
This presentation focuses on the impact of caregiver issues in today’s working population. The “sandwich generation,” while being employed and raising their own children, may also need to assist their parents. Collecting resources and accessing information early can save time as well as simplify the process.
Caring From a Distance
Do you worry about your father falling when you are miles and miles away? Is your mother really taking her medication at the correct time with the exact dose and on an empty stomach? Are your thoughts occupied by your parents’ health status? “Distance” caregivers, from across the state to across the country, will be prepared for their role and benefit from gaining knowledge on local community resources to assist their loved ones at a distance. This seminar will inform about the options that you have as a caregiver, plus collect critical information to ease your stress level and paperwork
Compassionate Caregiving
Caregiving can be hard. When did I become a caregiver? Where do I start? How do I do this because I feel like I am on an island all by myself? Because families are often the central unit in the job of caregiving, understanding roles, utilizing community resources and taking care of yourself is the foundation of caregiving. Learn that you are not alone and there are resources to help.
Create Your Health Care Directive
Who would speak for you if you couldn’t speak for yourself? That’s the concept behind Advanced Care Planning, a guided conversation on about your end of life wishes and preferences. It is a process that identifies what is most important to you concerning quality of life and living. This class will prepare you to develop a Health Care Directive, a written document which describes your choices. Selecting your health care agent, the person who will make sure your wishes are carried out, will be discussed.
Help! My Parents Are Getting Old … What Do I Need to Know?
By attending this seminar, you will understand the importance of gathering and sharing key information, learn the importance of planning ahead, give you confidence and a sense of peace for planning ahead, learn how to initiate those difficult conversations, identify important documents to gather together, understand your changing roles, and learn more about the resources that can help.
Making Decisions Sooner Rather Than Later…Your Own Health Care Directive
Join us to learn how to identify key people in your life that should know about your wishes and understand the importance of expressing your wishes. Learn about what is included in the Minnesota Health Care Directive and “Five Wishes”. These are easy to complete health care directive forms that let you say exactly what your wishes are for the future as well as end of life decisions. Every age is the right age to have a health care directive!
Parenting Your Parents
This is not easy. That said, it’s not supposed to be. The shift in roles does not come with an instruction manual and often happens abruptly. How do we plan to be there for our parents in the last phase of their lives? This class will focus on ways to have conversations to help everyone involved make plans and decisions in a respectful way.
Staying Connected After Retirement
Your job offered social relationships just because you showed up. Research says that good relationships are critical to healthy aging. How do you rebuild relationships that may not have been given much attention while you were working? Where do you look to develop new relationships and social communities? This class will discuss a variety of ways that retirees can stay socially connected, including seeking volunteer opportunities.
Wellness and Aging
As we age, our bodies change, and it may be harder to lose weight than in our 20’s. We also may not be able to eat the same foods or exercise the same way. Learn some tips on how to feed, move, and be kind to your body as you age.
When to Worry? Understand Changes and a Dementia Diagnosis
Have you ever wondered about your memory? Join us for a conversation to better understand what may be “normal” memory loss verses signs of early dementia. Discuss tips on how to manage difficult behaviors, repetitive questions and various approaches that can lessen stress for everyone involved. Understand the disease process and maintain one’s independence with a diagnosis of a dementia.
Abundance: Financial Characteristics and Habits of Wealthy People
Learning how to save more and be debt free is always a good thing. This training will share valuable insight on traits and characteristics of individuals who are financially resilient and able to manage their finances in a way that offers a more abundant financial life. During the presentation we will address what it means to be financially reactive versus financially proactive, debt management strategies and resources to explore ways to align our awareness to slowly improve our financial situations.
Breezing Through the Holidays Without Overspending
The holidays are a time of giving and receiving, but sometimes the giving can leave you broke. Learn how to organize holiday shopping and limit unplanned purchases, as well as many creative tips to make your holidays happy without overspending.
Outcomes: After attending this seminar, you will learn valuable tips to organizing your holiday shopping, factors that go into helping you limit those unplanned purchases, and why holiday door-busters can be more like holiday budget busters.
Money Cents: Effective Budgeting
This engaging presentation offers insight on ways to access a better understanding of how to effectively budget our money. Discussion revolves around tips and suggestions for how to have better control of our money, instead of the other way around. By addressing a proactive approach to spending and managing our finances, you will learn helpful tools to use to effectively modify habits and behaviors to restore financial balance in your life.
Preparing Your Budget for Retirement
Come to this session to begin the process of preparing your Budget for Retirement. We will go over: Income changes, Social Security estimate resources and website, other retirement income. We will also go over a retirement budget, health costs and other resources. This can be a useful session for someone who is in the beginning stages of the planning process and can be helpful along with a session with their financial planner.
Psychology of Money: Understanding Our Behaviors in a Modern Consumer Society
Shame, guilt, fear and denial can significantly impact our financial lives. This workshop offers insight to how our minds work in relation to our behaviors around money and the potential outcomes that can come with various attitudes associated with our perceptions. This track is designed to help create a deeper awareness of our connected our feelings/emotions are to our overall financial situation.
Successful Credit Management and Reducing Debt
There is a lot of information about credit and it can be hard to sort out fact from myth. We give you a general understanding of how credit works and why it’s important today, about credit bureaus, reports and scores and how you can keep your credit history and score looking good and working for you. Or how to improve both!
Take Charge of Your Money
It’s not about how much you make; it’s what you do with what you’ve got. We’ve seen highly compensated celebrities end up in bankruptcy and teachers and plumbers end up millionaires. There’s no mystery to how this happens. Being financially successful requires planning, discipline, knowledge and practice. In this seminar, we get back to the basics: no gimmicks, no singing mascots, just a solid foundation for any financial plan.
Understanding and Preventing Identity Theft
Are you overwhelmed by information on identity theft to the point that it’s become hard to sort out the facts? This presentation will give you concise, straight talk on what identity theft truly is including the many forms it can take, its prevalence, and what you can do to defend yourself. Participants will: hear statistics and trends on identity theft in the United States; receive tips on preventing and detecting identity theft; and receive a listing of resources available to victims of identity theft.
What’s Your Money Personality?
Do you find yourself frustrated by the way that you or a significant other spends money? This seminar will help you understand why you treat money as you do. Based on Olivia Mellon’s work on different money personalities, we will guide you through five different money personality types, explain how these types inter-relate and illustrate what this means for establishing personal money harmony and money harmony within your relationships. In addition, we will review tips on budgeting, saving, spending, and credit.
#DOMOREWITHLESS: Managing Stress, Time and Energy
Not enough time! To do what we need AND what we want- a constant stressor in an already volatile, uncertain, chaotic, ambiguous world. Research shows many of us spend only 2 of 8 hours working productively. What if we could double that by improving our focus and managing our energy for greater performance and productivity? While time is finite, energy can be expanded.
What if you could work smarter, not harder?
By understanding how to manage stress more effectively.
By understanding how to create energy and focus for productivity.
By understanding how to become more present in the moment.
Walk away with:
Tools and tips to manage stress, overwhelm, and energy.
Knowhow to work with, not against your biology for greater focus.
Tools and tips for aligning priorities with what matters.
3 Simple Steps for Having More Energy – Every Day!
Rushing to get everything done from the time you wake up until you go to sleep can wear you out. But you can actually get more done with less effort. This entertaining presentation will introduce powerful energizing activities you can use every day.
10 Small Changes You Can Make That Result in Big Changes to Your Health
Enjoy learning 10 simple, practical activities that will improve your health and well-being. As you embody these changes you can modify, adapt and maintain healthy behaviors for you and your family. Implementing these ideas will improve your health naturally.
A Fragile Juggling Act – Work and Family
Boundaries between work and home are no longer clear and maintaining work-life balance is a fragile juggling act, but it is not out of reach. This seminar will help you strike a better work-life balance by considering how to -take advantage of your options, learn to say no, leave work at work, manage your time, find support, and take care of you.
A More Balanced You
Do you find yourself stressed? Is your to-do list never ending? Are you forgetting things that occur on a regular basis? What keeps you from taking care of yourself? We all have the same 1,400 minutes in a day and often times it is our own perceptions of things that can keep us stuck and unbalanced. By attending this seminar, you will:
Learn time-saving techniques for self-care.
Identify physical, emotional and mental tools that can fit into your busy schedule.
Improve your sense of well-being.
Are You Ready?
“I want to quit smoking.” “I want to lose 10 pounds.” “I want to start exercising.” We’ve heard it all before. However, not everyone is ready to change at the same time and behavior change does not all happen in one step. Each of us progresses through the “Stages of Behavior Change” at our own pace. Come learn about what stage you are in and how this can help you to reach your behavior change goals!
Building Your Core (Resilience): Purpose Matters
What gets you up every morning? Knowing your purpose has significant health benefits, including increased longevity, positive attitude, & decreased risk of dementia. Once you are clear on why you are here, and what you value most, you can prioritize your time, energy and attention wisely. Being clear on our purpose, being connected to something larger than ourselves whether that is a community, workplace, religion or nature, and having a sense of our values and beliefs helps insulate us from the stress of the increasing change we all face both at work and at home. Knowing ourselves creates “core” resilience and much like our core abdominal muscles stabilize your body during movement; these resilience “muscles” stabilize us during times of trouble. So, don’t wait until you need those muscles to work them; build your “core” before you need it, and you will sail through the inevitable storms. Walk away with: understanding what matters to you today, how to create alignment, and tips to keep it that way for long-term health and happiness.
Change… It’s Not Just in Pockets: Managing Life’s Stresses
This seminar will discuss ideas for managing stress in everyday life. Creative ways to deal with stress management during change, as well as tips for staying connected to those close to you will be explored. We will focus on keeping the fun in adult relationships, while managing life’s stress.
Communicating Effectively with Health Care Providers
Ever wonder if there is a way to improve communication with your health care providers? This seminar will help anyone who wants to increase communication, get more out of your office visit and create a team approach towards your health care needs. By learning effective communication techniques, you will save time and energy by making the most of your health care provider visits. By attending this seminar, you will:
Identify key principles to communicate effectively.
Learn how to state your individual concerns/needs.
Create a team approach to your health care needs.
Conflict: Obstacle or Opportunity
We’ve all been there – faced with conflict and not sure how to handle it. Unresolved conflict impedes progress, creates unproductive tension and wastes large amounts of emotional energy.
On the flip side though, well-managed conflict is one of the most important driving forces we have to growth, development and change. When people resolve conflicts quickly and respectfully with a positive attitude, they become better working partners and increase productivity. The key to resolving conflict is to understand the choices we have available when we encounter conflict situations. This session provides participants with techniques and strategies to overcome the obstacles and focus on the opportunities of conflict.
By participating in this presentation, you will:
Learn what you should do with your anger when resolving conflict.
Understand your conflict resolution style.
Develop a conflict resolution attitude.
Learn strategies for negotiating ‘win-win’ solutions.
Turn conflict into opportunity for personal, interpersonal, and professional growth.
Conflict Prevention and Management
Do you want to learn how to avoid tensions from turning into conflicts? Are you tired of wasting energy on overreacting? Do you wish to develop the insights and self-control it takes to deal with conflicts positively? This very practical session helps you prevent some conflicts from developing and deal with others more effectively which starts with diving into roadblocks to dealing with conflicts productively. In this engaging, practical seminar you will gain insights and tips to:
Improve your mindset before and while dealing with tense situations.
Apply a variety of ways to honor emotions while not taking it personal.
Tailor de-escalating communication techniques to your circumstances.
Confrontation Without Altercation: How To Manage Difficult Conversations
In this interactive session, participants will learn an effective approach which can be applied to situations involving conflict, having to provide negative feedback, making a complaint or delivering unwelcome news. Learn the key steps to achieving the most positive outcome possible.
Constructive Worry
Some anxiety and stress are useful in our lives, and it’s certainly appropriate to worry about important matters and to care about getting things right. However, we can be our own worst enemy by misusing our minds. This session will give you the tools you need to either turn worries into action or reduce their impact.
Dealing with Everyday Changes, Big and Small
Going to college, switching companies, getting married, moving to a different area, having children, not getting the promotion you expected, getting a divorce… We all deal with changes regularly. Small and big changes, expected ones and unexpected ones, desirable and undesirable changes. You may dread or love change, but we all have to deal with them and we sometimes do so poorly. Dealing with personal change is mostly about understanding yourself and about learning how to best deal with transitions. This seminar provides you with insights and tools to do both – effectively.
De-stress Rather than Distress
Working in business can be rewarding, but also challenging and stressful. Our busy schedules can lead to lack of self-care and diminished resiliency. We can all benefit from better resiliency and self-care to help us mitigate the daily stresses of work and life. The organization that understands and nurtures the life in work life is the organization that people are drawn to.
Emotional Intelligence: The New Science of Success
Emotional intelligence or EI refers to the ability to use your emotions intelligently, to gain the performance you wish to see within yourself, and to achieve interpersonal effectiveness with others. It has to do with how well we handle people, how we deal with set-backs and failures, how well we achieve our life goals, how we motivate ourselves, and how well we manage our emotions. It is the ability to understand what our emotions are telling us and then to choose appropriate action. In this presentation, participants will learn about the emotional competencies of self-awareness, self-management and social awareness that lead to interpersonal effectiveness in all business relationships.
Learning Objectives
Define Emotional Intelligence.
Learn about the anatomy of an emotion and how emotions and thoughts work together to influence our actions.
Understand the link between Emotional Intelligence and our success in life.
Learn both cognitive and behavioral strategies for managing emotions intelligently.
Explore social awareness and relationship effectiveness.
Understand discretionary emotional energy and how to increase engagement.
Emotional Intelligence
How smart do you need to be to succeed? Research shows that IQ only matters up to a point just above average and that beyond that it is actually your emotional intelligence that is a contributory factor. So, the real question is: How are you smart? In this session, you will actively engage with the competencies of emotional intelligence and identify concrete ways to practice and apply them in your life.
Enhance Your Life Through Mindful Living
This presentation will offer a deeper understanding of the art of mindful living. We will discuss practical ways to incorporate conscious awareness into everyday life experiences. Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to our current moment experience. By becoming mindful we learn to respond to our circumstances rather than react to them.
Experience Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness practices enable you to calmly and confidently experience life’s natural flow with ease. You can integrate these easy to practice activities throughout your normal day so you are a positive energy in your workplace and at home.
Forget Time Management – It’s all about Energy Management!
Managing schedules has become an all-consuming chore, leaving you so stressed out that your relationships and job performance suffer. You can solve this problem with real life tested solutions to the time crunch we all face every day. Join us to learn how you can manage your time efficiently and effectively.
From Stress to Resilience
This workshop helps you attack stressors in your life from multiple angles. In addition to offering both practical solutions for managing and balancing your life, this session will also leave you with usable strategies for changing the way you perceive, experience and respond to stress.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep – The Seven things You Must Do
You’re not doomed to toss and turn every night. Consider the Mayo Clinic’s seven simple tips for better sleep, from setting a sleep schedule to including physical activity in your daily routine.
Health for the Holidays
Why is it that one of the most joyous times of the year tends to be our most unhealthy?! Come learn ways to stay fit and healthy over the holidays! Emphasis will be placed on portion control, low-fat holiday cooking, regular physical activity and de-stressing. Participants will walk away with the tools to help them make it through the hectic holiday season stress-free!
How to Control Smart Devices and Not Let Them Control You
The prevalence of (mostly) self-imposed stress is increasing as smart devices, technology, and constant access increase, further blurring the line between work and home and thus requiring increasing willpower and better priority setting. The biggest problem is of course the way we use technology and smart devices, not the technology or advice itself. Prevention is always better than intervention, so this seminar provides insights and tips from neuroscience and psychology on topics such as multitasking, willpower, and mindfulness practices. Specifically, in this engaging, practical seminar you will gain insights and tips to:
Better understand your many habits around devices and technology.
Strengthen your willpower and avoid the wrong kind of multitasking.
Thwart the effects of stress while not abandoning the technology you depend upon daily.
Identity Theft: How to Protect Yourself
Identity theft and fraud is the number one crime in the United States. This workshop will detail specific areas that you can employ to protect your identity, how identity theft works, and tips you can use to create a solid overall plan to avoid any potential hardship. Real life case examples are shared and discussed, and resources are made available to attendees on education that is available to learn more.
Just Breathe
Would you be interested in something easily available to you that increases your level of energy and ability to solve problems, aids digestion and encourages weight loss, provides resistance to the common cold and assists in the healing of wounds? It costs nothing to use, requires no special equipment, and is always easily accessible.
We make use of it every day yet seldom notice its functioning — our breath.
In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to learn about a simple, uncomplicated choice for better health, increased resilience, and anxiety and stress reduction: focused, quiet breathing. With the introduction and practice of the simple art of “mindful breathing”, you will develop a new awareness of your own breath and learn how using it can provide all of these daily health benefits.
You will leave with strategies to easily incorporate this tool for better health into your already very busy life— a life that will become calmer, more productive and more resilient to workday stress.
Just Say No! (Thank you)
Most of us find it easier to say yes than no. Saying no can make us feel unkind, ungenerous, uncooperative and uncomfortable, yet a lack of balance in this skill leaves us cluttered, overwhelmed and over-committed in many areas of our lives. Discover how to establish a pattern of worthiness around making the best decisions for you and the people around you.
Keeping the Main Thing, The Main Thing
In this seminar, participants will assess how they use their time based on what is important or unimportant. You will explore a process of time management based on what is personally important to you.
Managing Stress Naturally
“Managing Stress Naturally” begins with a personal stress survey to help participants gauge their stress exposure. Topics include: sources of stress, “good” versus “bad” stress, and effective ways to manage in a natural, holistic way.
Mastering Motivation for Life
What does “being motivated” mean to you when it comes to making changes with your health or other areas of your life? If you think it means having no struggles or conflicting desires, then this class is for you! Learn the killers of motivation, determine where you are in the “Ready to Change” Ladder, discover how to get and stay motivated with your efforts and how to handle a relapse.
Meditation Made Easy
You’ve heard meditation is good for you, but you don’t quite know how to get started? Come have some fun while learning ‘how to meditate’ tips.
Learn how easy mindful meditation can be.
Experience several forms of meditation.
Learn techniques to combat stressors.
Positive Thinking – How to Make Good Things Happen
Positive thinking sometimes gets bad press. Let’s take a look at why it causes this polarizing effect and how you can develop the best method of thinking to feel better and move in the direction of your dreams.
You may have heard that a little bit of stress is actually good for you. In the just-right amount, that adrenaline rush can power you through a long day at work, boost your workouts and help you complete your “to do” list. But, while it feels good to conquer the day, in the end, it just simply feels better – and is more beneficial to your health – to relax. Rest and relaxation protects your heart, lowers your risk of catching a cold, boosts your memory, lowers your risk of stroke, lowers your risk of depression and even stops weight gain – just for starters. Learn tools and techniques to use every day whether you have one minute or one hour available. You will walk away feeling…relaaaaaxed.
Relax Your Body, Calm Your Mind
It’s one thing to talk about stress management, it’s another thing to practice stress management. In this seminar, participants will practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization as a way to relax the body and calm the mind.
Resilience Is Your Superpower: Thriving Through Change and Adversity
Did you know you had a hidden superpower? Resilience is our ability to bounce back when bad things happen. While some of us are naturally more resilient to start with, the great news is resilience is a set of skills that can be developed. Better news, we can actually create opportunities from adversity and challenge once we learn resilience.
Learn how to work with, not against, your biology, and why you are wired the way you are. Learn why mindset is so important, and what you can do to change it. Understand the key components of resilience, backed by research, and why it’s so critical for surviving and thriving in today’s complex, fast paced world. You will walk away with your personal framework for understanding resilience and stress management, how to build it, and a few easy tools to restore performance and focus and manage your stress on the fly.
Self-Care: Do You Make Yourself a Priority?
Self-Care and well-being go hand in hand. Self-Care is tending to and balancing our whole self- mind/body/spirit. If we are not our priority how can we help anyone else? We all have the capacity to make ourselves better today than we were yesterday. We all have the ability to mitigate the daily stresses of everyday living. And, we all could use some inspired guidance to help us find our own path to inner strength and resilience.
We will explore stress, health and the healing benefits of truly attending to your body, mind and heart. We’ll delve into the healthful advantages of breath, mindfulness, movement, sleep and nutrition. We’ll learn about how we can rewire our brain, neuroplasticity, and why it is important to create space for creativity, self-care and self-compassion. We will discover the ways you can apply all of this into your daily life.
Self-care for Busy Professionals
Self-care is essential for your success as a busy professional. When you are feeling healthy and happy, you enjoy working. Any challenges that come your way are managed with greater confidence. You are able to release negative stress, replenish your own positive energy and establish healthy emotional boundaries. You can live your life with an empowered mind and fit body.
Self-image is a very important part of who we are and how we see ourselves. Self-image can be affected by several areas such as our body image, environment, job status and financial status. This seminar will help participants analyze their self-image and determine if it being a positive or negative influence on their day-to-day activities.
Sleep- The 3rd Pillar of Health
Diet, Exercise and Sleep are considered the “3 Pillars of Health.” Yet sleep is widely ignored or sacrificed despite it’s how necessary it is to maintain every aspect of our health: physical, emotional and mental. Learn about sleep’s impact on your body as the 3rd important pillar of health.
Speak So They’ll Listen
The meaning of communication is in the way it is received, so are you sure your target audience is on the same wavelength as you? Using practical exercises and examples you’ll learn how to get your point across for maximum effect. You’ll also examine the multiple ways we communicate non-verbally, and how to manage the whole package.
Strategies for Quality Sleep
If you are one of millions who do not wake feeling rested and refreshed this course will help. Discover the science of sleep and what sleep does for us. Learn how diet sets the stage for normal sleep patterns. Understand daily rhythms and how the choices you make throughout the day influence your sleep at night. Also included are strategies for calming the unsettled mind.
Strength of Spirit: Resiliency, Self-compassion, Self-care
What is resilience? Why does resilience matter? How can I become more resilient? We all have the capacity to make ourselves better today than we were yesterday. We all have the ability to mitigate the daily stresses of everyday living. And, we all could use some inspired guidance to help us find our own path to resilience.
This session will explore stress, health and the healing benefits of truly attending to your body, mind and heart. We’ll delve into the healthful advantages of breath, mindfulness, movement, sleep and nutrition. We’ll learn about epigenetics, the neuroplasticity of the brain and why it is important to create space for curiosity, creativity and self-compassion. We will discover the ways you can apply all of this into your daily life.
Stress Management
Stress occurs when life’s demands seem too heavy. You feel anxious and tense and may be aware that your heart is beating faster. A certain amount of stress in our lives is unavoidable and a little may even be good for us. Too much stress, however, is harmful. There are many techniques that can be used to manage stress in your life and to cope with stress that you can’t avoid. Deep breathing, meditation, stretching your muscles, improving your diet, increasing your exercise, and learning to relax can help you manage stress.
Take This Stress and Love it
The one thing that is constant in life is change. We all experience the stress that is a natural result of changes in our workplace and personal lives. Knowing how to ignite your own personal power so that you feel happier, healthier and have more energy is the key.
The Mind/Body Connection and Mental Health
Understanding the mind/body connection empowers you to make healthier choices. You can learn how to exercise your own personal power in a new way so you are better able to cope with everyday stressors. You learn how to replace harmful behaviors like smoking, overeating, depression, and anxiety with nurturing habits.
The “New Biology” and What it Means for Your Health
This talk is based on cutting edge research in cell biology which is shattering our previous notions of how the body operates and provides clues for further improving our health. Dr. Kriva looks at what the research is saying and explains it in a way that is understandable. He then lays out the implications for the listeners in terms of long term maintenance of health. This talk has the power to forever change old views of health and empower the listeners to make better decisions regarding their own health in the future.
The Power of Laughter
Could you incorporate more laughter into your life? Laughter affects human physiology by reducing pain, strengthening our immune system and decreasing stress. Learn some simple tools and laugh a little along the way. Increasing humor helps put life’s trials and tribulations into perspective and allows us to take ourselves less seriously. By attending this seminar, you will learn simple tools to laugh along the way, understand the importance of laughter and see how humor can be the curative our ancestors professed it to be.
The Power of Sleep
Sufficient and good quality sleep is often the first thing to be sacrificed in our busy lives, yet it plays a vital role in our wellbeing. Find out what sleep does to our moods, productivity, weight and long-term health, and make a plan to improve the quality of this essential component of health.
Work-Life Success: Get Organized to Reach Your Goals!
Are you always busy, overwhelmed or never quite get round to those projects that can really move you in the direction of your dreams? Look no further. This practical workshop will introduce you to systems, schedules, tools and resources to make a real difference over the next 12 months and beyond.
Are We Having Fun Yet? Attitude and Peak Performance
Your ability to enjoy life and have fun both at work and home is directly tied to your ability to maintain a powerful, positive, energized attitude. Studies have shown that people with a positive attitude, get sick less often, have better relationships, and are more successful in their careers. Attitude is also contagious and helps create an energized work environment. We would all like to have a positive attitude!
Unfortunately, it’s a jungle out there! Maintaining a positive attitude can sometimes be a real challenge. This session explores the skills of “Attitude Mechanics” – how to build and hang on to a positive, powerful attitude and more fully enjoy life, personally and professionally.
Building Inclusive Cultures
As multifaceted individuals and team members, we each have an enormous impact on our team and the organization’s culture. How do work teams build inclusive, positive and resilient environments? How do inclusive cultures benefit productivity and healthy working relationships?
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What Effective People Do Differently
If you want to succeed as a business, a team, or reach your full potential you must learn how to connect with people. Learn the five principles and practices that are crucial to connecting, including: finding common ground, keeping communication simple, inspiring people, capturing people’s interest, staying authentic in all your relationships.
Goal Setting for Powerful Results
In this talk the power of goal setting is revealed. The audience is taken step by step through the process of effective goal setting and given tools to accelerate the accomplishment of their goals. This is done in a workshop format, so every class participant will leave with their own set of personal and professional goals.
I Can’t Stand You – Now What?
Dealing with others is probably the most stressful and time consuming part of our working lives, and unfortunately we can’t change that! We can, however, learn how to make ourselves more immune to the effects of toxic coworkers, micromanaging bosses, and difficult clients. Learn some cool techniques for diffusing the power that others can have over your emotions.
Innovate or Stagnate: The Cutting Edge of Change
In today’s competitive marketplace, no organization can afford to stand still. Continuous improvement and progressive innovation are required to achieve success. “Innovate or Stagnate” examines how creativity can be enhanced and focused toward innovation. The program helps your people cultivate a creative mind set and use it to brainstorm innovative solutions to problems faced by the organization. They will learn how to ride the waves of change, rather than be overwhelmed by them. The objective of this program is to empower staff to see change as an opportunity for innovation rather than a threat to be avoided.
Invisible Differences in the Workplace
One of the goals at many organizations is to create an environment where employees recognize and value one another’s unique differences, and are therefore better able to work with each other as well as serve the diverse communities where our clients live. Our ability to provide positive connections and to remain inoffensive is often dependent on appreciating and respecting these differences. Unfortunately, sometimes our differences are subtle and even invisible. In this program we will explore the principles of diversity that enable us to value and respect both the visible and invisible differences that represent the strengths, experiences, and unique skills of each and every individual. Participants will learn the skill of people agility, or how to approach people with an attitude of openness, curiosity, appreciation and respect.
Keys to Improve Trust and Credibility
Productive collaboration within and across teams and successful team leadership are built on a foundation of trust and credibility. A team without trust is not a team, but a group of individuals working together, probably with subpar performance. It doesn’t matter much how capable or talented you are, without trust among team members, most people do not reach their full potential. However, when team members feel safe in an atmosphere of trust, they will share, open up, take risks, expose vulnerabilities, and act accountable without wasting time being overprotective of their interests.
Knowing How to See Things Differently: Using the Frame
The Frame helps us understand why we are getting the results we are getting out of life. The session examines (1) the tendency we have to blame others when we are not getting the results we desire, (2) how our ‘need to be right’ activates blame, (3) how curiosity helps us to get better results, and (4) what we can do to see more or differently.
Learn From Mistakes and Failures
This session focuses on (1) the beliefs we form about ourselves from the messages we receive from others when we make mistake or fail, (2) what keeps us stuck in our comfort zone, and (3) more effective ways of responding to our own mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Leave-It-To-Beaver Meets Instagram: Bridging the Generation Gap
The “forty-something” reached out and shook the hand of the “twenty-something”. They had just been assigned to partner on a key project in their department. Each felt uneasy, wondering how best to connect with the other. Success would mean finding a way to bridge the gap – the gap of years, the gap of generations.
Organizations typically are communities that include people from across the generations. Some spent their youth watching black and white TV, while others were weaned on video games. To create a community capable of bridging the generation gap, we must learn to appreciate and understand the influences of our different generations. What were the historical events and social trends that shaped the ‘silent generation’, the ‘baby boomers’, ‘gen X’ or ‘gen Y’? What experiences, skills and values do each generation bring to the whole? How do I reach out and connect with someone who grew up in a different world then I did?
Learning objectives for this seminar include:
Explore the different generations spanning your workplace culture and learn what makes each generation tick.
Gain tools and techniques for bridging the generation gap and connecting with those from different generations.
Challenge yourself to respect and appreciate generational differences.
Expand your ability to gain new perspectives and to learn from what each generation has to offer.
Let’s All Get Along! Professional Boundaries in the Workplace
Boundaries are a funny thing – they are rarely noticed or spoken about – UNTIL they are broken. In this workshop, tips and tools for creating and maintaining healthy professional boundaries are outlined, including: Knowing when to speak up and set boundaries (and doing so with confidence); Using Meta-communication to set expectations and intentions in positive ways; Maintaining respectful relationships with your colleagues.
Learning objectives for this seminar include:
Participants will learn Meta-communication and how to use it when addressing boundary issues.
Will understand the role professional boundaries play in their work (and personal) relationships.
How to listen to their internal “voice” to know when to address boundary concerns.
Let’s Make a Deal: Tips for Negotiating Win-Win Solutions
In this seminar we will discover the techniques and strategies of principled negotiation. The goal is to give participants the tools they need to achieve solutions that are respectful, efficient, and mutually rewarding.
Simple Steps to Dealing with Difficult People/Situations
Conflict is inevitable in any long-term relationship and the key to maintaining respectful work (and personal) relationships is easier than you think. Most people struggle not with WHAT to say; rather, they struggle with the actual saying of it. In step by step fashion, this workshop gives you the keys to keeping your relationships on a healthy and long- lasting track.
Staying Energized in a Draining World
There is an energy crisis happening in America today! And it is happening in the personal and professional lives of people everywhere. Increased stress both on and off the job is causing a loss of productivity that run into billions of dollars each year. This energy drainage is robbing us of our own health and happiness. This seminar will explore the symptoms and causes of stress in our lives, and introduces personal strategies for reducing stress and restoring energy. You will develop your own “tool box” for combating burnout and reducing your personal stress-o-meter.
Staying on Track: Giving and Getting Feedback
Growth and improvement in our individual and collective effectiveness require frequent and helpful feedback from and for others. This session provides means by which we can reduce defensiveness and give and get feedback effectively.
Supercharge Your Communication Skills
The meaning of communication is in the way it is received, so need to be sure your target audience is on the same wavelength as you. Using practical exercises and examples you’ll learn how to get your point across in both written and spoken style, for maximum effect. You’ll also examine the multiple ways we communicate non-verbally, and how to manage the whole package for maximum influence.
The Power of Perception: The Impact of Perception on Performance
The philosopher states that perception is reality. That is, what we know and understand to be true is not necessarily reality itself. It is merely our reality as it is filtered through our method of looking at it – “interprefacts.” Perception thus becomes our truth and begins to impact all of our experience. This class explores how perceptions impact relationships and performance.
The Power of Persistence
This talk focuses on a major component of success in career and in life, persistence. Dr. Kriva discusses how persistent effort over time is the key to ultimate success in reaching personal and professional goals. This talk is entertaining and filled with amusing stories to drive home the point that persistent effort brings large rewards. Most importantly, Dr. Kriva gives the audience the practical tools they need to keep up sustained energy and effort over time in order to achieve their goals.
The Power of Your Dreams
This talk focuses on the power of setting goals for your life. It covers the basic seven steps to goal setting, but more importantly discusses how to supercharge your goals to get the best results in the shortest amount of time. This talk is entertaining and inspirational and tremendously powerful for those who choose to use this information in their lives. It is based in part on Dr. Kriva’s award winning book, Let Your Innate Sing; The Key to Achieving the Life of Your Dreams. Take home message: People who have written goals accomplish more in less time than those who don’t, goal setting, done right, can be fun and tremendously effective, goal setting is an essential tool to achieving the life of your dreams.
3 Mindset Shifts to Accelerate Health
Your body can’t go where your mind refuses to. Join Jenn, as she shares how she got her mind in shape as she dropped 100 pounds. The audience will discover:
How counting calories, carbs and points sets you up for failure.
Why infobesity is keeping you stuck in the same health rut.
The secret strategy of body-builder for natural body transformation that you aren’t aware of.
5 Morning Rituals for a Healthier Day
Did you know that the most successful people in the world have already accomplished 5 major habits every morning before 7? No early bird herself, the presenter will share principles based off of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning, and how it supercharged her health. The audience will:
Begin appreciating the benefits of early morning rituals.
Understand the importance of cornerstone habits for lifestyle change.
Implement a 30-day action plan to shift from night owl to early bird.
Are You an Emotional Eater?
Do you feel like you know what you need to eat for a healthy weight, but you just can’t get yourself to make the right choices? Emotional eating can be one of the biggest struggles towards healthy living. This class will help you understand what emotional eating is and how you can take control of your eating habits.
Carbohydrates and Grains
In this one-hour workshop, Dr. Renee will differentiate between complex and simple carbohydrates and explain why carbs have gotten such a bad reputation in the American Diet. Dr. Renee will also introduce the concept of whole grains and provide a hands-on demonstration of how to shop for products that are 100% whole grain vs. just containing a whole grain ingredient. Recommended portion sizes and how whole grains and carbohydrates fit into the daily diet will also be discussed. Finally, Dr. Renee will discuss specific scientific studies that show benefits of whole grain consumption for decreasing risk of diabetes, body weight and more. A fifteen-minute period will be left at the end of the presentation for the audience to ask specific questions.
Choosing Your Lifestyle for a Healthy Brain and Body
Do your food choices, exercise and sleep habits affect how you feel – your mood and behavior? Did you know that there are steps you can take to keep your brain healthy and to feel better every day? In this class learn how foods can make you feel tired, depressed, or happy and how to make changes to your diet to improve how you feel every day. You will also learn the impact exercise and sleep have on the health of your brain and activities you can choose or avoid for better brain health.
Clean Eating – Choosing Foods to Feel Your Best
Are you concerned about the quality of your diet? Do you hope for your food to help you feel better not worse? Clean eating is a simple way of eating not focusing specifically on calories, fat or carbs but on the quality and the wholeness of the foods you eat. In this class you will learn what it means to eat clean and how you can incorporate clean eating into your everyday life.
Cooking Simply: Good Food Fast
Want the benefits of eating at home, without having to cook from scratch each day? Learn techniques such as batch cooking, using premade ingredients, revamping recipes and other strategies such as “Assembly Cooking”. Become inspired to get Cooking Simply. These ideas are especially useful for non- crowd cooking; for one or two people.
Dining Out the Healthy Way
Choosing healthier foods when eating out, ordering in, or eating away from home can be one of the most difficult things to do. It is easy to be tempted by the convenience of high-fat fast foods, or restaurant fare. Luckily, you don’t have to abandon the pleasure of “service with a smile” to stay healthy. Participants will learn simple dining out tips that will keep their healthy lifestyle on track.
Eat Your Way to Great Health
This talk provides an introduction to the primary nutrients we need in our diet to achieve outstanding health. The basic foods groups including fats, proteins and carbohydrates are discussed. Nutritional supplements are also introduced. Most importantly, the audience is given key guidelines to follow in order to achieve the best results from their diet. Take home points: foods from all three major types are essential to good health, current research is showing trans fats and sugar to be major contributors to poor health, eating whole foods close to the source is best for long term health.
Essential Nutrients
This seminar will distinguish between the essential nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins, & Water. Dietary recommendations and food sources will be identified, as well as, their importance in maintaining a healthy body. This is a great seminar for those looking to learn the basics behind a healthy diet.
Fire Up Your Metabolism!
Metabolism – what is it and how does it affect our body? This seminar will cover the basics of metabolism and its relationship to weight loss/gain. Metabolic Syndrome, which is a cluster of the following conditions, will also be discussed:
Elevated Waist Circumference
Elevated Triglycerides
Reduced HDL “good” Cholesterol
Elevated Blood Pressure
Elevated Fasting Glucose
When three or more of these conditions occur together, your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes greatly increases. You will gain knowledge about how improvements to nutrition, exercise, stress management and sleep can help to get these conditions under control.
Food Literacy: What, Why and How to Eat
Advice on diet is plentiful but can easily be overwhelming and confusing. This course will help sort through diet fact from diet fiction. Food Literacy not only describes what a healthy diet looks like but broadens knowledge of nutrition beyond calories, grams and fat. This course will explore how food impacts the body and health with concept of "food as information”.
Foods that Reduce Stress
Who wants less stress in their lives? Everybody! We all experience stress—it is a normal part of life. But stress can adversely affect our physical health, so it is important to get stress levels under control. Did you know that Smart Nutrition is a very important component in managing stress? It’s true! Eating the right foods can decrease your levels of stress and anxiety, while eating the wrong foods can actually increase them. Not only will we show you which foods are best for managing stress but this session will also provide an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes for home use.
Foods that Improve Your Immune System
A healthy immune system can make the difference between staying home with a box of tissues and a bottle of cough medicine and staying active. Smart Nutrition is a great way to ensure that your immune system is operating at maximum efficiency and able to fight off viruses that come your way. Learn the truth about foods that will help or hinder your immune system. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes to make at home.
Foods that Reduce Inflammation
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to put that bottle of ibuprofen back in the medicine cabinet? Inflammation can have an adverse effect on your entire body. By attending this presentation, you will learn which foods are beneficial (anti-inflammatory) and which foods to avoid (pro-inflammatory). This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes for home use.
Foods that Improve Digestion
We have all eaten too much, or the wrong food, and ended up with indigestion. Many factors have the potential to adversely affect your body’s complex digestive system but Smart Nutrition can keep those factors at bay. We will demonstrate foods that aid digestion, keep your system working smoothly, and help you feel your best. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy home-use recipes.
Foods that Improve Mental Clarity (Cognition)
Studies show that nutrients in certain foods can have a significant positive impact on brain functions such as learning and memory. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents are critical in keeping the brain vital and healthy. While attending this presentation, you will learn about the vast selection of cognition-improving foods available. You will also see an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and receive easy-to-make home recipes.
Foods that Provide Consistent Energy
The right foods boost your energy by providing your body the proper calories and hydration; they fuel your metabolism so it functions efficiently. What you eat also affects your brain chemistry – which affects your mental energy level and your mood. By attending this presentation, you will learn which foods are best for maintaining your energy level throughout the workday and into the evening. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes to make at home.
Foods that Minimize Headaches
Headaches occur in millions of individuals across the country, and you may be surprised to learn that improper nutrition is often the cause of a headache. Although there is no “magic” food to prevent headaches altogether, this session will show you how you can use food to minimize the effects of a headache…just by eating smart. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy take-home recipes.
Foods to Boost Self-Confidence
Most of us have struggled with self-confidence at times. Did you know that certain foods can your self-confidence a boost? These foods increase your level of serotonin, a chemical your brain produces that makes you feel relaxed and good about yourself. Now may be a good time to add some serotonin-boosting foods to your diet! This session will show you which foods are best for boosting self-confidence and increasing self-esteem. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes for home use.
Foods to Promote Eye Health
Vision is an essential part of everyday life, affecting the way people of all ages learn, communicate, work, play, and interact with others. Healthy vision helps keep us safe when driving, playing sports, or working with dangerous power tools, and can help ensure a healthy and active lifestyle well into our later years. This session will teach participants about the nutrients linked to good eye health and discuss which food are most beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy take-home recipes.
Foods for Body Repair
Regardless of the type of work, physically fit employees are known to have greater job satisfaction, higher work quality and overall better job performance. Whether you have a physically demanding job or you work out after your job, rebuilding your body is critical. The role that Smart Nutrition plays in body repair is often overlooked in workplace wellness programs. The right foods at the right times speed muscle repair and muscle rebuilding which leads to being more pain-free the next day. This session will teach participants which foods are most beneficial for promoting body repair. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy recipes to make at home.
Foods to Minimize: Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors and Flavors
Current science identifies sugar as a substance that causes major inflammation in our bodies, as well as providing many empty calories in our diets. Are artificial sweeteners the answer? How do artificial colors and flavors affect the way our bodies function? This class provides crucial information on the negative effects of these food ingredients on our bodies and gives alternative sources for healthy flavors and colors.
Getting Through the Holidays
Do you dread the period from Thanksgiving through New Year’s because its many food-oriented events are opportunities for dietary sabotage? Learn how to plan for and deal with the variety of dietary booby traps and improve your diet throughout the holiday season. This session leads you through creating and implementing a plan that allows you some flexibility while still maintaining your core nutrition values. It includes festive recipes, and a demo and food samples for a recipe you can prepare as your contribution to holiday gatherings. Your friends and family will be thrilled with your tasty, healthy contributions to the party!
Grillin’ and Chillin’
The summer months mean outdoor barbeques amongst family and friends. How can you make these outings healthy for all? This seminar will cover healthy cooking on the grill and how to make regular picnic foods healthier. Come learn new recipes and healthy techniques for even the most beginner cook.
Healthy Cooking 101
You’ve probably heard that too much fat in your diet can increase your risk of developing heart disease. But you also need to remember that the body needs a certain amount of fat to utilize some vitamins, so a no-fat diet can be dangerous too. In this seminar participants will learn to make healthier choices when it comes to food selection and preparation and about the amounts and types of fat that the body needs.
Herbal Supplements – A Natural Alternative
This class includes a brief history of the use of herbal medicine, as well as an overview of categories of herbal supplements. Several commonly used herbal supplements will be discussed, with emphasis on their uses, effectiveness, and possible interactions with other substances.
How Your Diet Impacts Your Risk of Disease
Many of the chronic diseases prevalent today are directly associated with our diet and lifestyles. In this class you will assess how your diet affects your risk and you will leave with tools to get started on making your lifestyle healthier to prevent disease.
Hydration for Better Health
There is a huge difference between drinking and hydrating! When we aren’t properly hydrated, every system in our body suffers. This presentation is loaded with great information: you will learn which of your favorite beverages and foods are most effective for hydrating the body and which do nothing at all. Remember, you cannot fully benefit from even the best diet without adequate hydration. This presentation includes an entertaining and fun cooking demonstration with delicious food samples, and easy-to-make home recipes.
Improve Your Gut Health with Fermented Foods
Sixty to seventy percent of our immune system resides in our intestinal tract, yet most of us suffer from symptoms of an unhealthy gut. Many of us don’t realize the foods we eat can help populate our digestive system with health bacteria. This class will discuss the positive effects of fermented foods and how to incorporate them into our meal planning. The class includes an entertaining presentation, a cooking demonstration and take-home recipes for homemade probiotic foods.
Mastering Motivation for Weight Loss
What does “being motivated” mean to you when it comes to weight loss and your health? If you think it means having no struggles or conflicting desires, then think again. This class will cover the killers of motivation so you can avoid these pitfalls, help you discover where you are in the “Ready to Change” Ladder, provide tips for you to get and stay motivated with your weight loss efforts and provide ideas on how to handle a relapse.
Mood and Food, Using One to Manage the Other!
Healthy Eating for a Healthy Mind and Body focuses on food. Food feeds the body and influences the mind. Food sends messages to the brain and body about how it is going to behave. This course provides the “recipe” for making brain hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. Additional strategies to escape cravings and understand how stress can sabotage even the best laid plan will be covered.
Mood-Boosting Foods
The holidays have passed; the novelty of the New Year is wearing off and the days are cold and dark. For many of us, the winter doldrums bring the winter blahs. We can’t make winter pass any faster, but we can keep our spirits high and enjoy winter while it’s here by eating foods that elevate our moods and inject color into the cold, dark days. This class will teach you which colorful, nutritionally uplifting foods will help keep your spirits high until the arrival of spring. This class includes an entertaining cooking demonstration with food samples and take-home recipes to help you ease your way through winter!
A New Year, A New You
You have emerged from another holiday season and awakened to a brand new year. You probably feel good about some of your food and drink choices during the holiday season and would prefer to leave other choices behind. This time of new beginnings is ripe with the opportunity to take note of what worked and what didn’t in the past and formulate a plan to move forward into a year of wellness for you and your family. This class will teach you how to take stock of where you are now, create a plan for moving forward and break it down into baby steps that will allow you to form new habits that will ensure your success. In addition to this important information, the class includes an entertaining cooking demonstration with food samples and take-home recipes to get you off to a great start with your new eating plan.
Peak Performance
Peak performance is designed to teach the participants how to achieve peak energy and performance levels. Topics covered include: nutrition for peak performance, the role of water in health, nutritional supplements, ways to enhance joint flexibility, and avoiding injury at home or at work to achieve long-term optimal performance.
Recognizing and Overcoming Emotional Eating
Do you ever eat when you’re not hungry? Why? Is it stress, emotions, cravings or just pure enjoyment of food? This class will help you evaluate why you feel certain ways about food, how to deal with food cravings and how to overcome emotional and mindless eating by evaluating three patterns and habits you may have to find your solution for success.
Relapse Prevention
So, you have lost the weight, but now how do you keep it off? So many of us lose our weight, but then struggle to keep it off. This seminar will cover the importance of physical activity as a weight management tool, as well as, healthy eating habits for a lifetime. Participants will learn the skills to manage behavior change and also how to prepare for slips.
Resolution Solutions
Did you know that up to 65% of resolutions die by February 1? Join Jenn Espinosa-Goswami, health coach, for powerful solutions to turn your resolutions into reality. The audience will discover:
Why SMART goals are really dumb.
How to establish milestones to long-term success.
The truth about accountability partners and how to find the support you really need.
Salt Substitutes – Using Herbs and Spices
Did you know that the average American consumes 3,400 mg of salt per day? This is almost 50 percent more than the U.S. dietary guideline of 2,300 mg (about a teaspoon) per day. This is partly due to the large amount of processed food we eat, so a key solution is to cook at home more often so you can control the salt. But what about the flavor? This class will teach you how to use herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of foods instead of reaching for the salt shaker. Ideal pairings of vegetables, meats and herbs and spices will be highlighted. A cooking demonstration with tasty recipes featuring herbs and spices and take-home recipes will be included in the presentation.
Smart Nutrition for Office Workers
Office workers spend a lot of time seated at desks, working on tasks that can lead to both muscle and brain fatigue. The right foods and activities can help prevent mental fog, boost metabolism and make the work day more productive. This session includes a mix of theory and recipes—you’ll learn how big a difference the right lunch and snacks can make toward avoiding that post-lunch urge to nap!
Smart Nutrition for Manufacturing Workers
The nutritional needs of manufacturing workers differ from those of office workers. They are usually on their feet more, potentially lifting more weight and spend a large part of the day in repetitive-motion activities. From an employer perspective, the foods and beverages consumed or avoided can do a lot toward making employees safer on the job. From the worker’s viewpoint, it can also make a big difference in energy level, mental clarity and the amount of body pain experienced during after-work hours. This session will focus on Smart Nutrition and suggestions for meals and snacks that will help optimize overall body health and energy level.
Smart Nutrition for Older Adults
As we age, our bodies’ nutritional needs change. By being aware of these increased demands and meeting these needs with focused nutrition, we can grow older more gracefully and maintain our bodies’ and minds’ functionality and capabilities as we age—far better than people who do not understand the difference between Eating and Nourishing. This session includes both information on how our bodies’ need for key nutrients changes and suggestions for meals, snacks and supplements to aid us in meeting this increased need.
Specialty Foods and Diets
You avoid gluten, dairy, grains or other entire groups of foods. Not because it’s trendy, but because you suspect a food intolerance or allergy. In this special workshop, we will discuss the difference between intolerances and allergies, and the correct way to use elimination diets for your best health (including whether you need “gut healing”).
How certain foods impact your gut and well-being.
A brief history of the top allergy-causing foods.
How to create a 6-week elimination plan to trouble-shoot what’s really bothering you.
Spicing Up Your Health
Hidden inside your pantry or cupboard are ingredients used to enhance flavor, however, many of these seasonings have been proven by science to also provide health benefits. Can Tumeric really fight inflammation? Does Cinnamon truly lower blood glucose? Will garlic lower risk of heart disease? Find out which common herbs and spices potentially provide medicinal effects.
Stop Dieting and Eat Clean
If you would like to get nutrition and weight management right once and for all, this session will introduce you to easy cup-sized portion guidance, along with an overview of macro-nutrients and calorie recommendations to simplify your life. Online tracking tools, menu plans and other resources will be provided.
Sugar Addiction Questions and Solutions
Are you a self-proclaimed sugar addict with a long sweet tooth?
Do you feel a midday slump and experience a strong craving for sugar?
Do you find that once you start eating sugar, you can’t stop?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be sugar sensitive.
Join us to learn how sugar works in the body to trigger imbalances. Identify strategies to reduce sugar cravings and how to cut your sweet tooth down to size. Learn about patterns of eating that promote balanced blood sugar, ease cravings and impulsive or compulsive behaviors.
The Competitive Edge – Eating for Athletic Performance
This seminar is designed for those who are regularly physically active and looking for more information on how proper nutrition can improve their athletic performance. Specifically, this seminar will address:
Energy Requirements
Nutrients for Peak Performance
Nutritional Requirements for Specific Sports/Durations
Eating Before, During, and After Activity
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Water or Fluid Replacement Drinks
The Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss
This class offers a realistic and practical approach to weight management and overall health. Participants will learn: why typical diets don’t work, what kind of exercise is the most beneficial for weight loss, and how to increase energy levels while losing weight through simple changes in eating habits. Key barriers to losing weight are also discussed. Take home message; diets don’t work for a reason, once this is understood, weight loss can be achieved, common barriers to losing weight, once identified, can be eliminated.
The Power of Smart Nutrition: Improve Your Performance and Quality of Life
Most people do not realize that nourishing is different than eating and that what we eat has a direct impact on how we feel, think and perform. This class introduces participants to the core principles of Smart Nutrition: nutrition, hydration, sleep and physical activity, with tips on how to incorporate them into daily life. The session includes an entertaining and informative presentation accompanied by a cooking demonstration with delicious, nourishing food samples and easy recipes for home use. This is a great starter class for groups that are new to Smart Nutrition.
The Secret Gift You Give Your Child
In today’s hurry-up world, parents frequently give in to time pressure and feed their children convenience foods or cater to the child’s taste preferences. What is overlooked is the foods that are key in following Smart Nutrition principles. This session will walk parents through the building blocks of establishing a nourishment plan that will allow their children to thrive and do their best in academics, sports and life and give them strategies for how to implement these menus at home without causing family “food fights.” The children will learn by example the proper way to eat, which will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
The Strong Pull of Sugar – Eliminate the Sugar Cravings, Feel Your Very Best
Do you hear the ice cream calling you from the freezer? Do you have greater success with weight loss and management on a low carb diet, but are not sure it is the healthiest option? In this class you will learn why some people find sugar in their diet a great challenge and how to plan a diet that will eliminate sugar cravings and promote a healthy weight.
Understanding Healthy Fats and Oils
Did you know that “eat no-fat/low-fat” is no longer the recommended dietary approach? Most of us were raised in a world where we were bombarded with the message that low fat and no fat are the “healthy” way to eat. Recent nutrition research is changing the rules and healthy fats and oils are now considered an essential part of a good diet. This session will walk participants through how nutrition standards have changed, what they now are, and how to implement them in our daily diets. The class includes examples of good and bad fats and oils, how to buy them, store them and cook with them. The class includes a cooking demonstration with tasty food samples and easy take-home recipes featuring healthy fats and oils.
Understanding Food Labels
Do you read the food labels when at the grocery store? If you are like most Americans, you do not. The FDA now requires food labeling on all items for your health benefit. This seminar will help you learn how to decipher food labels, determine nutrient content of food and develop strategies for grocery shopping & making wise choices.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation
A healthy diet consists of a variety of foods that nourish the body. Each food is made up of an assortment of nutrients. Most nutrients cannot be made in the body and need to be included in the diet we eat each day. Sometimes supplements need to be included to assure the body is getting what it needs to work. This course will cover what targeted nutrients to supplement and why. Phytonutrients will also be covered as the “darlings” of the research world.
Weight Management for Life
An estimated 50 million Americans go on a diet each year and about 5 percent manage to keep the weight off, according to Colorado State University Extension. People often choose to join a weight loss program because they offer an alternative way to drop pounds quickly. And, unfortunately, with quick weight loss, that can lead to quick weight gain after the program concludes. This seminar will discuss the important components of healthy and sustainable weight loss: nutrition, exercise and behavior change. Learn the easy way to safely and effectively lose 1-2 pounds per week.
What is Gut Health & Why Do I Need It?
Your gut is home to 100 trillion microorganisms with hundreds of different bacteria needed for digestion, immunity, metabolism, and mental health. Imbalances in this system can affect virtually every area of your health. Learn signs of gut function decline, foods to eat and avoid, the difference between pre and pro-biotics, and tips to improve your gut health. 62 million Americans are diagnosed with a digestion-related condition annually—don’t be one of them.
Your Best Summer Ever
When we trade our normal routines for the free-flowing days of summer, we often throw out the window the nourishing rhythms that help us feel our best. Barbecues and outdoor parties present unsafe zones that challenge our food plan; hot summer sun and abundant alcohol bring along dehydration and excess empty calories. There is no need to sabotage your enjoyment of summer to stay healthy and fit. Follow our tips to squeeze all the fun into your summer without abandoning your wellness, so you can feel your best when autumn comes knocking on your door. This class includes a cooking demonstration with food samples and take-home recipes to help you on your way to a great summer!
Advanced Strength Training
Once the basics of strength training have been mastered, it is time to move on to the next level. Participants will learn how to get more out of their strength-training program by varying both the elements in an individual workout and the types of workouts performed during the week. Aspects of advanced strength training such as changing the order of exercises, trying new exercises, controlling recovery time, and using other training variations that will lead to greater muscle strength, size, and power.
Does a Fitbit Keep You Fit?
Seminar Description: Today, we can measure our calories, our activity level, and even how well we sleep with the use of technology. Devices like the Garmin and Fitbit act as a de facto “personal trainer” for some folks. In this seminar, we look at what a Fitbit can and cannot do for your desired fitness level.
Key Learnings:
Why movement is important to overall fitness.
The distinction between movement and training when it comes to your goals.
Fitbit dos and don’ts.
Exercise – One Step at a Time
Have you been battling the “Monday I’ll start my exercise routine…” syndrome for too long now? For some of us, an exercise program is a very difficult task to start and maintain. This seminar is designed for the novice exerciser and will teach no-fail ways to incorporate exercise into your daily activities – one step at a time.
Fitness Walking
It’s no wonder why walking is America’s #1 physical fitness activity. Walking is the one activity that is (1) easy on the joints, (2) free, (3) requires only a good pair of athletic shoes, and (3) can be done by virtually everyone, everywhere. This seminar will cover proper walking form, technique and how to improve your fitness level through walking workouts.
Get Off the Couch – How to Train for your First 5K
Have you ever wanted to walk/run a 5K? If so, come learn how! Participants will be introduced to various training plans, how to properly warm up and stretch, how to select appropriate running shoes/attire and how to stay motivated.
How to Stay Fit While You Sit
This class is designed for people who sit at a desk or computer all day. Proper techniques for ergonomic workplace design are discussed, as well as techniques to maintain fitness while sitting. Emphasis is placed on injury prevention.
Movement Maximizers for Cube-Dwellers
Think you need a company gym to get fit at the office? Or that you need to spend 8 hours a week hitting the pavement? Jenn debunks the common gym myths and shares a simple exercise prescription to make the most of the brief “movement breaks” in your long day. She will also share her top tools to boost fat burning, even while you sleep! The audience will discover:
Why most gym members stop going within 5 months.
How to get fit in just 10 minutes a day.
The best way to burn fat while you sleep (it’s not what you think!).
Office Yoga
Do you sit at a desk for long stretches at a time? Do you feel like you shrunk a few inches after a long day on the job? Are you feeling less flexible than you did as a teen? Are headaches becoming more common for you? Stop and reverse all of this! By adding simple yoga movements and breathing techniques you can get your body feeling great again. A very participatory seminar!
Setting Fitness Goals Like an Olympic Athlete
Do you ever wonder how to get the training discipline of an Olympic athlete? Using her own techniques for training for a half marathon and her background on goal achievement, Jenn shares hacks for reaching your biggest fitness milestone ever!
The difference between motivation and discipline.
How to automatically lock in your training success.
Ways to push through adversity, including nay-sayers, whiners, and Debbie Downers in your own life.
Strength Training for Everyone
Did you know that one pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories daily, while one pound of fat burns only eight calories in a day? As you can see, one of the many benefits of strength training is a boosted metabolism. Strength training is an important component of any fitness program. Participants will be introduced to the basic elements of a safe and effective strength training routine. Topics such as the names of major muscle groups and the exercises that target them, the difference between sets and reps, the elements of proper form, and the basics of frequency and progression will be covered.
Stretching 101
Not everyone can touch their toes, but a good program of warm-ups and stretching can make a big difference in flexibility. In fact, an overall fitness program isn’t complete if it only emphasizes strength training and/or aerobics; stretching needs to be included as well. Anyone who is interested in improving sports performance, preventing injury, alleviating muscle pain or feeling more flexible will appreciate information on total body stretching.
Wellness on the Road
Some of us have jobs that require frequent traveling. Unfortunately, this means long hours in the car or on planes, waiting in airports and staying in hotel rooms. Participants in this seminar will learn several ways to be “well” while on the road. This includes workout routines that can be done in the comfort of a hotel room or other confined space, how to eat healthy while on the road, plus proper ergonomics when traveling. Portable equipment options (that can fit right in your suitcase!) will also be demonstrated.
Working Out – Beyond the Basics
Would you like to start an exercise program, but are not sure where to begin? This seminar will get you started on the right track. Information on aerobic exercise, strength training and stretching will be presented in an easy to understand format. Participants learn about target heart rate and how to set up an individual workout program. Participants will also receive information about choosing exercise equipment (i.e. treadmills, elliptical machines) and the most important piece of equipment – athletic shoes!
Your Life in Balance
Even when you’re not thinking about it, your body is balancing—hiking on a wooded trail, biking down the street, even walking up the stairs. By training to develop greater balance, you will recognize improvements in coordination, athletic skill, core strength and posture. This in turn will result in fewer injuries and greater stability as you age. Learn the fundamentals of balance and how to easily train for better balance – for a better life!
How to Prevent On-the-Job Injuries
This seminar focuses on ways to prevent workplace injuries (which will reduce workers’ compensation costs and lost work days). Topics discussed include: definitions of MSD (musculoskeletal disorder), how injuries occur and can be prevented, and proper ergonomics. The teamwork of employers and employees is stressed in injury prevention. This talk conforms to the currently voluntary OSHA guidelines for workplace ergonomics, and a certificate of participation is available for participants’ personnel files if desired.
Office Ergonomics 101
This program focuses on proper positioning while sitting at a work station. We will discuss neutral body positions, posture and how it relates to proper sitting, the effects of poor posture has on the spine and extremities, and general stretches appropriate for the workplace.
Protecting Your Back in the Workplace
This seminar outlines specific tools any worker can use to prevent back injuries at work. This talk can be tailored to your workplace. Dr. Kriva has extensive experience in workplace safety issues and injury prevention due to his previous career as an industrial engineer. He has worked with many companies in the manufacturing and service sectors to help them reduce workers’ compensations costs. Topics covered include not just proper lifting technique, but the “why” behind proper lifting. Also covered are common causes of back injury that may not be recognized as potentially hazardous. Exercises are incorporated to help employees strengthen and stabilize their backs. Take home message: There is a reason why proper lifting is taught the way it is, and this is important, common causes of back injury may not be readily visible, if you take care of your back, it will take care of you.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Tens of thousands of injuries each year are caused by repetitive motions. There are different ways injuries can happen, but they all result from stress or strain imposed on some part of the body from a task’s repetitive nature. This includes typing, computer mouse use and recurring motions such as twisting, turning and grasping. Connective tissues can become sore and sometimes unusable from repeated exposure to micro-trauma. Because of the slow onset of symptoms, people sometimes ignore the condition until the symptoms become chronic and permanent injury occurs. Participants will learn about ways to recognize injuries and ways to prevent them from occurring.
Summer Survival
Along with summer fun and sun, comes many health and safety issues that we should all be aware of during this time of the year. This includes: sun safety, boating safety, bicycle safety, grilling safety, heat stroke, drinking water, tick bites and more. Come learn more about these topics and how to make your summer safe and healthy!
Taking Care of Your Back
Back pain is one of the most common workplace problems, with millions of Americans suffering from back pain. In fact, back pain is the second leading cause of absenteeism from work according to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Participants will learn how correct posture and strengthening and stretching exercises can help protect the back from injury.