Screenings & Assessments Descriptions
AdvantageHealth professionals stress prevention. Our formula is to identify health risks as early as possible using a variety of discovery and assessment techniques. The results are kept confidential, shared only with the individual and AdvantageHealth professionals.
Bone Density: Bone density testing can be the first step in identifying the risk of developing osteoporosis. AdvantageHealth experts conduct a simple heel ultrasound to measure bone mineral density, indicating your potential risk for future bone health issues.
Cholesterol & Glucose: Screening consists of our staff obtaining a small fingerstick blood sample, which is processed onsite within a few minutes. (Venipuncture available in some locations. If interested, please inquire.)
Total Cholesterol and Glucose: 2-hour fast suggested, but not mandatory.
Total Cholesterol, HDL, Ratio: No fast required.
Total Cholesterol, HDL, Ratio and Glucose: 2-hour fast suggested, but not mandatory.
Lipid Profile, including Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Ratio, Triglycerides: 12-hour fast suggested, but not mandatory.
Lipid Profile, including Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Ratios, Triglycerides and Glucose: 12-hour fast suggested, but not mandatory.
Blood Pressure: Checked using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, these numbers are a key indicator of heart health.
Body Fat: Measuring body fat can help to differentiate between lean muscle and fat. Using skinfold calipers, measurements are taken at three sites on the body. Body fat can also be measured via a hand-held bioimpedance analyzer, which passes a low frequency electrical current through the body.
Body Mass Index (Height and Weight): Based on height and weight, this calculation is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Screening consists of stepping up and down on a 12-inch step for three minutes. Heart rate is checked at the radial artery after stepping to measure the participant’s recovery heart rate and fitness level.
Flexibility: Performed by having the participant reach forward on a sit-and-reach box. Measures flexibility of the hamstrings and low back.
Hips and Waist Circumference: With a tape measure, circumference measurements are done above the navel and at the widest part of the hips. These measurements can be used to assess risk for developing future health problems.
Muscular Endurance: Participants complete as many bent-leg sit-ups as they can in one minute to measure the endurance of the abdominal
Muscular Strength: Participants squeeze a hand dynamometer to measure static strength of the forearms, which correlates to total upper body strength.
Resting Heart Rate: Checked at the radial artery, this number may provide an indicator of overall physical fitness.
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): The HbA1c test measures the total amount of hemoglobin A1c in your blood. Comparing the results of your initial HbA1c test to the results of subsequent tests can determine if you are properly managing your diabetes.
Hi-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (CRP): Inflammation (swelling) of the arteries has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. The body produces CRP during the general process of inflammation.
Lung Function: Lung function is screened by having the participant blow into a small, hand-held spirometer. This screening is ideal for encouraging participants to quit smoking and/or decrease exposure to other pollutants, to increase exercise, and to appropriately manage existing lung conditions, such as asthma and allergies.
Nicotine (Cotinine): Our two options for nicotine testing (saliva or blood) detect cotinine, which is the principle metabolite of nicotine. Testing via saliva yields a result within 10 minutes. Blood samples collected via a fingerstick are sent to a lab for processing with results available within 48 hours.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA): The PSA test measures a chemical substance produced by the prostate gland. Certain conditions of the prostate may raise the level of PSA in the blood and, while elevated levels of PSA are not harmful, they can be an important signal of possible prostate disease.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): TSH is a laboratory analysis that measures a chemical substance in the blood called thyroid stimulating hormone. This test will help you and your health care provider identify and/or monitor an underactive or overactive thyroid.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many common and serious diseases including some cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Health Risk Assessment: AdvantageHealth utilizes Wellcomplete™. Wellcomplete for the Workforce is an essential tool for helping employers, health organizations, and population health managers reduce costly and unnecessary hospitalizations and healthcare services. Our evidence based HRA is one of the best tools for helping individuals understand their health risks and see the connection between their lifestyle choices and their ability to achieve optimal health.
Individual reports include:​
Personal Report: Participants are shown an Overall Wellness Score and ratings for 7 different health categories. They can see areas where they are doing well and where they can improve. The report helps them make the connection between their lifestyle habits and their risks for preventable diseases. It also provides useful feedback and tips for improving health. Trending data lets the participant see how they are improving from one Health Risk Assessment to the next.
Physician Summary: Participants can also print this report and take it with them to their next medical appointment. It displays a more detailed view of the participant’s answers to the HRA, and includes their stage of readiness to change. This allows the healthcare team to home in on key risk factors that the individual is ready to address.
Group reports include:​ Wellcomplete has many options for reporting, but one of the most popular is the Admin Report, a compact population-wide health profile that includes: ​
Top health conditions and the percentage of the population with each condition
Exam and vaccine compliance
Completion rates
Participation rates
The health conditions and behaviors the population is most ready to change—including blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, weight, exercise, glucose, tobacco, alcohol, and nutrition
Common biometric tests and the percentage of their population doing well or needing to take action
Lifestyle or biometric factors for each key area
Percentage breakdowns of the population’s status for lifestyle or biometric factors related to the key area based on Doing Well, Caution, and Take Action metrics.
Health Needs & Interest Survey: Employee input is essential to the success of any wellness program. AdvantageHealth will customize a survey to assess program interests, modes of delivery, preferred programming times and potential participation from your employees. This will give your organization a starting point and is also critical for establishing benchmark data. AdvantageHealth distributes, collects and analyzes data and presents information in a summarized report. Paper and online surveys are available.