Written by: Kristine Keykal, M.P.H. | Co-Founder & CEO of AdvantageHealth

Introducing Our Latest Employee Wellness Program: The Sustainable Living Challenge It's just in time for Earth Day - April 22nd! You can implement this challenge anytime within the next 12 months, but it needs to be purchased by April 15, 2021. Challenge Overview The Sustainable Living Challenge is a 3-week environmental-based employee wellness program. Participants can expect to achieve green living practices, to feel good about themselves by helping the environment, and to learn how small tasks can add up to large gains in the end. During the three weeks participants will receive a weekly email with tips on how to practice sustainability for the upcoming week, along with additional articles, podcasts, and recipe resources. WEEKLY TIPS/CHALLENGES:
Meatless Monday
Trade Up Tuesday
Wellness Wednesday
Thrifty Thursday
Weekend Warrior
ADD INCENTIVE PRIZES: Participants can email us (or an internal contact within your organization) regarding the tips (challenges) that they tried over the course of each week. Each person who emails can be entered into a drawing for small sustainable living prizes. We recommend prizes such as: beeswax, reusable zip top bags, reusable utensils, gift card to a zero-waste store, zero-waste soap kit, etc.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED. We will supply you with:
Promotional flyer PDF
Promotional social media images (2) and copy
The challenge itself: including weekly email copy/images as well as resources
Tracking sheet for prizes (if desired)
20% Off: Sustainable Living Challenge
Offer Expires April 15, 2021.
Contact Us:
Email Kristine Keykal at kkeykal@advantagehealth.com to get started or call 612.823.4470 (select option “1”).
Since 2001, Minnesota-based AdvantageHealth has been delivering award-winning employee wellbeing programs and fitness center design & management throughout the U.S.